Free, Fun, Supervised Adventure Play for ALL Children aged 5-15 years

The mission of Evergreen Play Association is to enhance the social, mental, physical and economic well-being of both children and parents in the community. Situated in one of the most deprived areas of the country with high rates of obesity and gang activity, Evergreen Adventure Playground provides a safe, positive and stimulating environment for children. The playground is free for all children aged 5-15 years regardless of ethnicity, ability and social economic status. Many different activities are offered at the playground each day, and all activities are child-centred and freely chosen by the child.​​

Evergreen Adventure Playground is a free, supervised adventure playground situated in just under an acre of land in Hackney East London for children 5-15 years old. A variety of indoor and outdoor activities are offered, and all are inclusive, child-centred and child-led. In the case of children with disabilities, every effort will be made to ensure that the child stays on the playground.

Inclusion is one of the core values at Evergreen Adventure Playground. Since 2002, the playground has incorporated a successful inclusion project that has been noted as a model of good inclusive practice in Hackney and beyond. Children with disabilities are integrated into the mainstream play sites with support, and all activities are inclusive and adapted to suit a child’s needs if necessary. Depending on their needs, specialist support workers are available to work 1:1 or 1:4 with children. Evergreen is the only adventure playground in Hackney offering this support to children with a disability in a mainstream playground.

Evergreen Adventure Playground was recognised as “London’s Adventure Playground of the Year 2005” and received an “Outstanding” commendation from Ofsted in 2015.
Currently Evergreen serves over 700 registered children, of which 12-15% are children with a disability. Each year there are increasing numbers of registration as parents continue to see the benefits of the programme.
Evergreen Play Association was formed in 1972 in response to a need for safe play spaces in East Hackney, London. Since its inception, the charity has promoted healthy lifestyles and social integration by providing free, supervised play all year round. Evergreen continuously strives to innovate and improve, incorporating an inclusive play project for children with disabilities in 2002. Evergreen Play Association’s achievements have been recognised by awards such as “London’s Adventure Playground of the Year 2005” and an “Outstanding” commendation from Ofsted in 2015.