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Playground Staff

Evergreen ( and previously Holly Street) Adventure Playground has been very fortunate in having a committed staff team. The current senior staff have worked at the playground for 28 and 16 years with all the sessional staff having been part of the team for 5-16 years. We have a number of sessional staff who once played at the playground as children and this is partly why the playground is  successful. With the commitment of our Management Committee and strong staff team Evergreen continues to provide the play much needed in the area.

Our Supporters

​Thanks to East London Business Alliance for introducing volunteer groups to the playground. These corporate volunteers help to keep the playground well maintained throughout the year.


Thanks goes to Accenture,AXA XL, Hyperion, AON, Bristish Land, Beat Capital and JP Morgan for the hard work their volunteers have done at the playground. We look forward to working with more groups from September.



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